


原 文次郎 訳 






Kidnapping of Faluja

Every Body, every thing is kidnapped in Faluja, Women, Children, families, history humanity and peace. And the world is only watching, how the US army will kill civilian, and what military plane will be used. What weapons will be tested in Faluja. The world is become just dead body has no feelings, and no any reaction.

Do you know what Faluja mean, it mean every city in this world. It means Hiroshima, Kabul. Faluja means the black future of humanity and the killing by the name of democratic and peace. Faluja isn't belonging to Faluja people only; it is the symbol for today's world. The big fish eat the small one.

Keep client and your city will be the next, and your history will be the next. Keep watching how the new technology can very easily kill the innocent kids and week people. Then the next will be you.

Every body with negative stance from today's crime, he will be partner in this crime, in front of history and humanity. Nobody will excuse the cowards or the scared. It is as Shakespeare said "TO BE OR NOT TO BE "

Faluja not expecting cry from us, Faluja need strong shriek.....to make all consciences wake up.
